To all who miss Mike as much as I do,

I was certainly touched by the wonderful email tribute that one of his new friends in Portland wrote. For me, it hit so many chords of how I was feeling.

I met Mike sophomore year in high school, it seems almost unimaginable that we are old enough to know someone for almost 16 years. And the friendship that grew and evolved over those years is certainly one of my dearest. I never ceased to be amazed by Mike's energy as a student of both the "book-smart stuff" and generally as a student of the world. My memories range from high school dances to college school breaks spent in Milwaukee catching up to living in Atlanta and having Mike show me the ropes of a new city. I always remember a lot of laughter and jokes and appreciation of the accordion as a hip musical instrument!

I think about how lucky Mike was that in his short life, he achieved what most people spend 70 years trying to find--- the love of his life in his wife and soul mate, a job he truly had a passion for, a way to express himself creatively through music, the opportunity to travel and see most of the world, and the love and admiration of his family and friends. What a great inspiration for all of us to carry with us the rest of our lives, a life well-lived and full of love and happiness. The best tribute we can all give Mike is to approach life with as much passion and grace as Mike did.

I'll miss you Mike!

Kelly Novak